What's Up Matador
This great VHS tape was a free promotional item which eventually was passed around by the workers at the record store I used to work at. What’s Up Matador was “a Matador Records Instructional Film & Music Video Compilation” that came out in 1997. From the back of the video jacket:
What is a record label? What are “recoupables”? What is “indie cred”? Who is Ricky Luanda? Where is my mail order?
Every day, we receive countless letters, taxes, and electronic mail messages from children who want to know “what’s up?” And although we try the best we can to answer their questions individually (especially if they send pictures), we couldn’t possibly satisfy everyone. Enter award-winning film maker Clay Tarver. Clay (who also plays guitar in Chavez) conceived of an instructional (yet entertaining) film that would introduce young people to the world of Matador. With the help of cable television fixture Bill Boggs (perhaps you’ve seen his work as a pitch man for the 18” satellite dish) and a New Jersey elementary school audience, Tarver’s film answers all the questions you’ve ever had about Matador, its origins, the bands and their way of life.
These lessons are illustrated by actual professional videos by Matador artists: (1) Spoon “Not Turning Off” (2) Railroad Jerk “Rollercoaster” (3) Yo La Tengo “From a Motel 6” (4) Guided By Voices “Motor Away” (5) Pizzicato Five “Twiggy Twiggy” (6) Silkworm “Wet Firecracker” (7) Bettie Serveert “Palomine” (8) Pavement “Cut Your Hair” (9) Helium “Pat’s Trick” (10) Run On “Christmas Trip” (11) Liz Phair “Jealousy” (12) The Jon Spencer Blues Explosion “Flavor” (13) Chavez “Unreal Is Here” (14) Chain Gang “Satanic Rockers”
[youtube HMp8Q89bWKc 700 525]
Posted by If You Find The Earth Boring... on February 2, 2012