I’m really enjoying the DRC Music record, Kinshasa One Two, that is out now on Warp Records.
Here’s a video to give you a little background on the project:
[youtube a2nZ4zOJ_Ig 550 350]
…and here’s a blog about news related to the project. Proceeds from the DRC Music project go to support Oxfam’s work in the Democratic Republic of Congo fighting poverty, repairing infrastructure problems, and establishing humanitarian aid. I was hooked minute into the first track on the record. This track, “Hallo”, is the focus of a DRC Music Remix Competition. Listen here: [wpaudio url=”http://ifyoufindtheearthboring.com/media/DRC Music Hallo.mp3” text=”DRC Music (Featuring Tout Puissant Mukalo & Nelly Liyemge) - Hallo” dl=0]