It’s been a rough few months for musicians departing us. I feel bad that I have never had a chance to tell you of my fondness for Captain Beefheart, who unfortunately passed on a few weeks ago. Now, the news of Trish Keenan passing (here and here and here) has hit me pretty hard since Broadcast (wiki and blog) are up there on my ultimate favorites. Apparently she contracted an aggressive strain of the H1N1 influenza virus during Broadcast’s Australian tour and was never able to recover. Here’s two videos taken from last year’s Broadcast and The Focus Group collaboration album called Broadcast And The Focus Group Investigate Witch Cults Of The Radio Age:
[youtube OqINetENovg 480 390]
[youtube nlVaRcNf9nc 480 390]
Update: See Trish’s Mind Bending Motorway Mystery Mix over at Root Blog (and here).